Wednesday, 28 September 2011

School Magazine Cover Photograph Research

These pictures are more cliche they show three white people and a black person whereas the magazine I liked before shows  all the races and their skills and creativity achieving whereas  this once they are smiley indicating the photograph to be really staged and false with the end photograph of them laughing on queue. The magazine before celebrates multi-cultural diversity and working together in order to achieve.From these photos you get a sense of community, of people working together,helping one another achieve,which is a message,I also wish to translate.

I like these compositions I think they would be the most appropriate for my magazine cover, there is no negative space on    the photograph; because the space available could easily be utilised and if the text was to come on the fore front of the photo it wouldn’t ruin the composition but harmoniously tie in. I feel that one of these compositions would be the most appropriate for the front page of my magazine. I am going to base all of my pictures on these three compositions and my final decision will be based on the composition   that I can deliver the most practically. The only difference I  will make is that the people I will incorporate, will be real they will not be fake, with plastic smiles plaster on their faces and I will try to incorporate more ethnic diversity.

This is a roughly sketched version  of my magazine cover,there are three versions which are based on the compositions on the photographs above,the final outcome is based upon which composition I deliver the best practically.
Below is further photographic research,that led me to the conclusion above:

This picture is more natural it demonstrates cultural diversity and students achieving UN like the other photos  it is photographed while in action a freeze frame, but it goes back to reality since the shot is not posed and pristine but the people look more real rather than perfect models like the three photographs before.

I do not particularly like the composition of the picture, you can tell by the quality of the photograph and the random composition of the students sitting down that it is an amateur photograph, what I do like about this photograph is that the people look real, they do not translate as fake, which is the kind of people that I wish to incorporate on my magazine cover. However this picture does not convey achievement.

This picture shows a wide range of diversity but I do not get a sense of achievement from this photograph, what I do like from this picture though is the fact that they are all facing directly at the camera.

I do not like this picture because I do not think the composition is very good the people are standing in a long line and this wouldn’t work on a, magazine cover purely because of the width, and if the image was to be stretched out onto A4 portrait on a magazine cover, the people would look warped and abnormally stretched out. Also I don’t think the photograph would make my magazine stand out, as different.

Monday, 26 September 2011

School Magazine Cover Research

Here is an example of random school magazine that I found, this was the initial research. The front shows a picture of a student playing guitar, perhaps this magazine is in behalf of a performing arts school.


This magazine cover portrays a teacher in an underprivileged school. This magazine cover, I found sparked my interest in promoting academic achievement amongst ethnically diverse pupils from all walks of life.
I like this magazine because I feel that it portrays a very positive message about their school. The photograph depicts people of all nationalities, backgrounds and ways of life; what really stands out is the fact that they all have objects in their hands showing that they have aspirations and because they are all standing beside one another giving a sense of communion and achievement which thrusts positivity to a society where racial tension and stereotypes of such achieving.

When the image is flipped horizontally the people are directly facing the audience   whereas when the photograph in its original   form it is awkward since the people seem as if they are looking through the audience rather than looking directly at them. Also at the left hand side suddenly every individual in the photograph is important, whereas in the intial cover the boy  at the end is made to seem insignificant. 

Homework task:How are teenagers perceived in the media?

The photographs I have taken  may bee seen as extreme,but they are stereotpical ideas of how teenagers are portrayed as:

the main, and sometimes only offenders of knife crime,
thugs and yobs,

 and drunks.

These exaggerated phtotographs depict how eaxaggerated and warped the ideas of the media can be,the media  simply portrays an idea,a photograpgh,an article etc and it instant prompts  the audience to beleive that their ideas are always truth.

Media homework: how the media manipulates people’s way of thinking?

These pictures are from a story called ‘Saline nurse’ this is where Rebbecca Leighton was accused of killing several of her patients.
The initial photograph is from her face book account, it denotes  her looking stupid, with her pouting and having her finger by her mouth ,which connotes that she was stupid enough to get caught for killing all her patients, that she wasn’t capable of being the mastermind behind the murders or that she proud of her self for doing so.

The Second picture  juxtaposes  with the first, here the second pictures have been dropped, the photograph portrays her as stern faced  and the caption beneath  the picture stated:’ innocent……Rebecca Leighton’ additionally indicating to the reader  that she has committed the murders since she translates as cold  and bitter.